Marca Peru

Need some help?

Late availability

The following tours all have available places.

Purple Honeycreeper. Qbda. Mishquiyaquillo, Moyobamba. San Martin, Peru.

How do I pay for a trip?

We have to ways:

1-)  For 1 or 2 days tours, payment is on cash  the same day of the tour at the lobby of your hotel before departing. This way cost down avoiding bank fees.

2-) For trips from more than 3 days. After book your trip. First, we will inform about of the availability of the trip, if it all is ok, then you must make a deposit of a 10% of the cost of the trip to fix all the arrangements. Then, You have 60 days before the trip starts to make a second deposit of the 60%. The rest, ( the others 30%), is payed once you arrive to Perú one day before  the tour starts at he lobby of you hotel to give you all the information, documents and materials required for the trip.

Note. Our bank usually is "Banco de Crédito del Perú". (BCP). Dollar Saving Account number: 191-34364754-1-71

Contact us to  for more information to Mr. Jorge Quevedo

Address: Jr. Cascanueces 130, Santa Anita, Lima - Perú

Office phone:  51-01-362-6642

Mobil phone: 51-01-9912 58813